Sunday, November 2, 2008

In'ernet boys

In this place called 'the internet', boys are either e-gawds or phailures. You could never be in between--mediocre, in that sense.

First off, phailures are: suicidal geys, soulja boy wannabes, fat pervs, i-TyPe-LyK-Diizzss-On-The-!nTerNet boys, moaning he-bitches, pablo banila =)), ano-asl-mo? death squad members, et cetera.

On the other hand, e-gawds are in the likeness of YouTubers, webcomic-ers, epic bloggers, LOLcats, song-writers, bladabluh.

Now, let me rant about how phailures continue on falling for yers trully.
LEAAAAAAAVE MEEEE ALOOOOOOOOOOONEEEEE (to the tone of that 'leave britney alone' faghead)

I need an e-gawd to have a serious crush on me now, or at least pretend (that was the point of this blog, yeyeyeyeye).

Despuration. >___<

What do you see?

1 comment:

Jackson Nash said...

Gaaahh! Your blog is so awesome.
I've been on it for like, years.

I'm jealous.
