Friday, October 31, 2008

The Toney Foundation

Hello, rich socialites! It's almost Christmas, and I bet you're looking for ways to spend your countless bucks! Why don't you all donate to my foundation instead?

My foundation really needs the following things:
  1. Death from the Skies by Phil Plait
  2. WACOM Graphic Tablet
  3. Nikon D80
  4. PlayStation Portable (Lite)
  5. iPhone or Nokia N96
  6. Mac Leopard (Ver. 10.5)
  7. Sony Handicam
  8. Toyota Prius
  9. Lego Batman
  10. Pretty Boots
  11. Adobe CS4
  12. J.E. Sus
  13. Lost CDs to magically appear on my hands
  14. Orion 16" Telescope
  15. A Whole Sack of Coffee Beans
  16. World Peace
  17. A Parachute
  18. White Himalayan Cats ^________^
  19. To be allowed to train for parkour
  20. Stapler tasers :D
  21. Solomon's Key by Dan Brown

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