Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Okay. I'm Fine. You're Fine.

I didn't know how I was able to read almost 200 pages last night, but I did. I finished Stephen King's "Blaze".

There were certain points in the book wherein I couldn't help but to let a string of tears ooze out of my eyes, and that happens when Blaze kisses Joe. Why? Because Blaze didn't want the money anymore, he wants the kid--and he's inlove with the kid.

The ending wasn't grand or anything; I don't like happy endings, anyway. I think that Joe's reluctance to his real father was Blaze's triumph-- and then I cried again.

Just to let you now, Blaze is a crime story :P. I think that I'm the first person to ever cry on such kind of book. I'm mushy--deal with it.

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